Regulatory and reporting

Regulatory and reporting

The Board has ultimate accountability for our sustainability and has tasked the Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee to manage and monitor sustainability and ESG. The Audit and Risk Committee ensures the integration of ESG-related risks into the risk management framework.

AEEI is committed to providing various stakeholders with ESG data that meets both local and international standards for accuracy, consistency, completeness, and reliability.

AEEI’s full disclosure can be found online in the: Sustainability Report

The role of business has changed with greater expectations for companies to embody and contribute to achieving the SDGs. Key stakeholders’ expectations and requirements continue to evolve and are becoming more specific with companies having to provide comprehensive, meaningful, and comparable sustainability performance data they can use to identify and/or quantify specific sustainability risks.

We subscribe to the United Nations Global Compact’s 10 principles on human rights, labour, environment, and anticorruption. The GRI index remains a key framework against which we disclose our information. AEEI is not a member of the Carbon Disclosure Project – Driving Sustainable Economies, Water Disclosure Project, nor is it a signatory to the UN Global Compact. However, policies, procedures, systems, and controls from environmental management are influenced by their recommendations as well as by the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).